Saturday, June 27, 2009

So it begins...

Bonjour from Paris!

Just wanted to send some updates to all you lovely people back in the States (and Israel) but I thought I would do it in a blog (not because I'm that cool, but this way I don't impose my stories on anyone and spam your inboxes!)

First of all, this city is wonderful. Too good for words actually. By far the most charming place I've ever been (yep, it even beats Rosarito. except I can't get a wrestling mask here). I could probably keep raving about the fabulous churches, adorable streets, and even how getting catcalled in French sounds so much nicer than English and Spanish - but that could get boring.

ANYWAY, for those of you who've been lucky enough to visit this lovely place I'm living in the 11th arrondissement near the Bastille (about 3 miles south of the Lourve, Notre Dame etc). It's a semi-seedy area but is known for it's farmer's market type set up, opera house, and furniture galleries. woo! Of course I think it's beyond charming. And the metro makes getting around SO easy it doesn't really matter where you live.

As far as the schooling aspect goes (I know, I forget I'm supposed to LEARN) it's pretty intense. Class from 9-4 Monday - Thursday and field trips about every other Friday. 9-12 is language intensive and 2-4 is Social Science (I LOVE THIS CLASS. Our first day we took a field trip to the Lourve) The professor is very Trelawny-esque (for those of you who know the reference) and I've never been so excited to learn. Yay for a history class that isn't all athletes!!!

Food: everything is as good as you've heard. If not better. Blogging for that to come.

I WANT YOUR ADDRESS. If you give it to me I can almost guarantee a cheesy postcard. You can request a naked lady (those are very popular here) if that suits your fancy.

You cand send stuff to my school if you so desire:
Kim Burnell
c/o Accent
89 Rue du Faubourg St. Antoine
75011 Paris, France

Be sure to write "no commercial value" and "personal use only" on it or it can cost me to pick it up. You can't send drugs or electronics. So those of you who were gonna send me cocaine and a new iPod, I appreciate the gesture but hold off until I get back.

Last but certainly not least PLEASE update me about life in the states, I really do want to keep in contact! Keep me in the loop no matter how mundane it is. Even if you had a particularly good fiddys experience, a celeb sighting, or so & so hooked up with whats his name...I'd love to hear it!

Ciao for now (yes they say that in France too),
Kim "American as apple pie" Burnell

p.s. if you happen to be raving about my blogs because they're SO entertaining and someone complains about not having the link, let me know and I'll get it to them. I'm happy to share my life with anyone but again I don't want to force this on anyone. I still feel like a tool having my own blog.

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