Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Apple pie among the Fish & Chips, Part III (well IV)

Sorry for the terrible delay on finishing my London adventures, I know you've all been on the edge of your seat waiting for the conclusion of this exciting adventure...

We started our day with Starbucks (hey, at least I didn't get McDo or SBucks in France) and wandering aimlessly through London searching for Abbey Road. Everyone we asked told us different directions so after an hour or so we threw in the towel and headed to lunch...

Some pretty London buildings we DID see:

Most people would consider the Globe Theatre or the British Museum MUSTS in Paris, buuut we wanted to pretend we were rich socialites with all the time in the world for tea and shopping so we headed to the world's largest department store (that I know of), Harrod's. This place is Disneyland in a building. I'm not kidding either. There is a grocery store, a bucher, a seafood market, a fine spices market, a tea room, a chocolate room, bakeries, cafés, Planet Harrods, and a fine tea room...just to name the restaurants. It also has FULL menswear, womenswear, home and garden and sportswear departments, a toy kingdom, even a pet shop with dogs, cats, camels, penguins - you name it. Okay so I'm exaggerating about the penguins and camels, but I wouldn't be surprised. It's impossible to describe this other than OVERWHELMING and HUGE.

Mmm freshly caught lobster...

We decided to have high tea in the hoighty toighty tea room. Of course we are sweaty with huge bags and smelly clothes we've been wearing for 2 months so we blend right in. The waitress promptly addresses us to take our water bottles off the table. she wasn't offended but others (she pointed upwards) might be. I thought "sheesh guys, how could you be so rude to put those bottles on the table? Ugh, the lower classes". OH wait, that was MY waterbottle. Oops.

Our fancy lunch...looks like grandma's house, right?

We had a lovely little lunch with the finest tea served in china (Joan Kasper would be proud) then we decided to tackle some of the food halls Harrod's had to offer. I was overwhelmed with the chocolate/ sweets sections and ended up getting overpriced, nasty fudge. I had over 20,000 options and I chose probably the ONE semi- gross thing. Just my luck. We then got lost in the houseware sections playing with the gadgets, gawked at the designer purses, and played with some toys (including really cool fake snow I wanted to buy).

Apparently there are mummy's at Harrods too?
They have everything in this place!

Harry joined us for tea!

Thoroughly tickled by the Harrod's adventure, we headed back to King's Cross for our train home. We had an accidental adventure on a double decker bus, which resulted in a fun photo shoot. Here are some of the glamor shots:

Kyndal and I,
we thought this one was too zoomed in...

So we tried again. Oops. My B.

From the window:
Can you imagine the horse doing that with its body intact?
Yea, me neither.

Artistic photographer tilt...or the bus is taking a crazy turn.

I made the coolest purchase at the train station, an Elle magazine with Emma Watson and a FREE SHIRT! What a great deal right? Emma was so entertaining on the 3 hour train ride...but that could have also been because of the complimentary champagne, wine, pork chops and cake (Eurostair train company knows the way to my heart)...ooooor the cracked out guy behind us who reminded me of a Dave Chapelle sketch. no joke.

Oh so Dave Chapelle wanna be wasn't he only one cracked out at this point...

The side braid. You know you miss it.

Christy and her b/f in a cut off shirt.Mmm good schwarms

The fun didn't end there! Our train arrived in Paris at midnight and we got back to our dorms about 12:40am...Christy went to her room and there was a rose outside her door. She read the note attached and it said "there's a second rose waiting for you in the courtyard...P.S. run!". When we arrived in the courtyard, her darling boyfriend was standing there fresh off a plane from CA. Now that's amor. Little did Christy know I was helping Kyle execute this grand scheme. I was so nervous I was going to give away the surprise I started sweating balls. So while these two lovers were embracing...I was sweatily snapping pictures from the side. Now I know why I didn't have any lovers surprising me....

Is it weird that I'm blogging this?

Anyway, a grand conclusion to a bon week-end. Back in Paris for two more weeks of trouble....

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